Robust. Flexible.
Designed for
Ease, Efficiencies and Scalability.
marsworx asset management software is a hybrid of a desktop application user interface and a cloud-based, fully-hosted SaaS database.
Fully configurable by you, marsworx has been built on one platform with seamless, optional modules that build upon one another including marsworx Mobility for field workforce enablement. Create forms and structures exactly how you need in house.
Marsworx functionality supports several key asset management pillars including:
Work Management
Data Management
Security & Administration
MOC & Mobility
marsworx products
* This includes the marsworx foundational modules with security and admin functionality.
* All add-on modules and tools may be independently added to this base.
Hierarchy, Configuration, Relationships, Material Transfers, Lifecycle
Planning, Outages, Incidents, Triggers
Admin User Interface (UI)
Enables Configuration and Security Administration
PMs, Job Plans, Work Orders, Task Sequencing, Forecasting
Documents, Report Database, Bulk Loads, Dynamic Grids, Search & Filtering, Report Exporting
Note: The marsworx reporting database gives you complete control over your asset data to guide accurate business decision-making.
Optional Add-Ons
Improved electronic communication with the field workforce is a critical component of efficient asset management. The marsworx iOS, Android and Microsoft compatible mobile application enables connected or disconnected capture of timely field data
Auto Sync
Work Disconnected
Generate work orders from mobile
Manage Group Work Orders
GIS Display
Field Data Capture
Custom Forms
Bar Code Recognition
Marsworx WORKFLOW, with the Management of Change (MOC) functionality, gives a comprehensive oversight of operations and ensures stakeholder review, approval and risk management. The alignment of business processes and workflow prompts required reviews, approvals and notifications.
Approval & Review
Risk Assessment
Marsworx PLUS enables a further level of Asset Management by providing the features and functionality to manage the unique requirements for rotating equipment. Mechanical-specific processes are enabled to maintain these critical and capital-intensive assets.
Next Time Out Work
Counter-based PMs
Mobile Templates
Advanced notifications
Marsworx mobility enables any type of field data capture but the key to any mobile adoption is simple forms that mirror current field workflow. The Mobile Forms Builder utility enables you to define what data is captured and how it appears on your mobile devices. Rapid prototyping ensures immediate feedback from your field force and assures adoption when implemented.
Custom mobile forms creation
Alignment with workflow
Rapid prototyping
*includes all of the above
This package incorporates the entire suite of marsworx Modules as outlined above.
Interested in finding out more about marsworx?
Questions on how marsworx could save your company money?
We're here to help you optimize your operations.
Industry Needs
marsworx Solution
We need everyone to have the same visibility to the same information.
One enterprise license ensures everyone can use the same platform. Consistently capture data and use our powerful workflow process configuration to help all your operations staff work from the same playbook.
The field says that keeping track of events and schedules is too hard… so they refuse to do it.
marsworx mobility is so intuitive, even field people will love it. Access work orders on a phone, laptop, or tablet and auto-sync to ensure no data is lost. Work connected or disconnected capturing data aligned with your workflow.
We can’t make changes quickly and without a big extra expense.
Self-configuration means you’re in charge. Build forms, access data, and change events as you wish. Without any extra time or fees.
Our information is everywhere: on spreadsheets, emails, handwritten notes. The right hand never knows what the left hand is doing.
We refer to our platform as the "Single Source of Truth" because it is. With functionality that can support all your operational divisions on one platform, you now have complete operational oversight on all of your maintenance management.
Implementing a new system takes a lot of time that we don’t have.
With our certified implementors and our implementation workflow, we have streamlined the entire process. Gone are the days of a "heavy lift" implementation. We are supporting you every step of the way.
We just need to solve a few problems right now. We can deal with later, later.
We can quickly get you up and running to address operational issues. Our prepopulated configuration ensures you get started out of the gate with the option to add more control and rigor in the future.
Events and scheduling are all over the place which costs time and money.
marsworx will simplify the collection, organization, and analysis of your work. Our Web scheduler provides a quick snapshot of work completed, underway, and forecast to occur.
We don’t have the budget to bring in a whole new system.
We thought of that which is why we have pick and choose functional modules within marsworx. This ensures there is a solution to fit every budget.
We don’t have data people on staff to put a CMMS together.
We have trusted and certified implementation partners with the skills and expertise to ensure your data is correct and accurate before it's loaded into marsworx. Your success is our success.
marsworx Implementation:
Ensuring Your Success
Our delivery of marsworx is intentionally high-touch, accommodating every team, at every stage and ensuring you have what you need to succeed.